Understanding the MODFLOW Translator

When importing a MODFLOW file into Groundwater Modeling System (GMS), you may need to translate the file to ensure compatibility with GMS's features and tools. This blog post includes details about the versions of MODFLOW supported by GMS, how GMS uses the translator dialog to transform the MODFLOW file into a version that GMS is able to read and alter, and methods you can use to determine the file version.

Example of the MODFLOW Translator

GMS supports MODFLOW versions 88, 96, 2000, 2005, MODFLOW-NWT, MODFLOW LGR, and MODFLOW USG. However, MODFLOW 88 and 96 are only supported as imports and require conversion to MODFLOW 2000. When importing a MODFLOW file into GMS, if the file was not created in GMS 6.5 or later, translation is necessary for full compatibility with GMS's features and tools, so the MODFLOW Translator dialog will appear. GMS will create a copy of the file before performing the translation which will ensure that the original file is preserved, however you should still always double check that all the data was converted successfully and hasn’t been changed and that none of the data has been lost. During the translation process, you can select the appropriate MODFLOW version from the list provided by the translator for accurate interpretation and conversion.

You can also alter the MODFLOW version inside GMS between supported versions by going to Global Options under the MODFLOW menu. It should be noted, however, that while most versions can be changed back and forth, it can’t be changed back from MODFLOW USG Transport.

There are specific indicators for each version of MODFLOW that can help you to determine what kind of MODFLOW file you are working with if you are unsure which file type it is, which you can view by opening the file as a text file. In a MODFLOW 88 file, the third line of the basic package file contains an IUNIT array with 12 or 24 slots, 24 being the more common option. A MODFLOW 96 file, on the other hand, lacks the IUNIT array and instead features the keyword "FREE" on the third line, indicating that data is in free format, or the third line is entirely blank. Files with a *.dis extension are likely to be MODFLOW 2000, 2005, or NWT models, all of which are supported by GMS.

Certain features and versions of MODFLOW are not supported in GMS. If you have more questions about what MODFLOW features are not supported by GMS, you can follow this link to Aquaveo’s wiki for more information. Head over to GMS and see how this can work for your own MODFLOW models today!

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Creating a Pathline for Every Time Step With MODPATH

Have you ever wanted to be able to visualize the movement of particles along every time step in a MODFLOW simulation using MODPATH? MODPATH is a program in the Ground-water Modeling System (GMS) for tracing particles that is utilized in conjunction with the flow data in a MODFLOW simulation. MODFLOW defaults to showing particle movement one time step at a time, but it is possible to show all time steps at once by making use of the Pathlines → Arcs feature.

Example of pathlines generated by MODPATH

To create the particle pathlines as arcs, you need a complete MODFLOW and MODPATH simulation. Once you have that, creating arcs to represent every time step is as simple as going to the MODPATH menu and selecting Pathlines → Arcs. This will create new coverages under your Map Data, the number of which will depend on how many Particle Sets exist in the simulation. It may be useful to go to your display settings and make sure that vertices are turned on under Map Data to see the time steps along the pathline arc more clearly. Each segment of the arc represents a single time step, with the subsequent segment starting where the previous ended.

By right-clicking on one of the particle sets, you can select View Pathline Report, which will show the same data from the arcs on a table. By doing this, you can view the exact values for each point and vertex along the pathline arc. You can also export this data as a text file, which can be opened in Excel in order to view the data outside of GMS. Additionally, you can view the data in several different types of plots by using the Plot Wizard under the Display menu.

You can also export the data from each particle set as a shapefile, making it simple to import the pathline arc data into a different project or program. To do this, all you need to do is right-click on the particle set, export the data, and save it as a Pathline Point Shapefile (*shp).

Head over to GMS and try out the different ways to visualize particle data with MODPATH and MODFLOW today!

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Filling Missing Raster Data

Do you have a raster that has holes in it? The Fill Nodata can fix small holes in raster data. Available in GMS, SMS, and WMS. In this article, we will explore the ways that the Fill Nodata tool can be used in WMS.

The Fill Nodata tool fills in small areas or gaps in a raster where no elevation data exists. It is located in the Rasters/Fill Nodata section of the Toolbox. The tool will interpolate an elevation to raster cells that are classified as "NODATA". Then the tool will create a new raster in the project that has the fillable no data areas filled.

Example of the File Nodata tool

These holes in the raster can occur for a number of reasons, one of the most common being that the data is incomplete. WMS is flexible enough that it can use a raster with small amounts of missing data for most simulations. However, it is recommended that you have data that is as complete as possible to ensure the generated model is as accurate. Therefore using the Fill Nodata tool can help ensure the accuracy of your model.

The Fill Nodata tool has a few input parameters to keep in mind. The input raster is the most important parameter. This needs to be a raster that has been imported into the project. The maximum distance to interpolate determines how far out WMS will look to fill data. It will use pixel units to do this. The number of 3x3 average filter smoothing iterations to run determines how many smoothing interactions will be run after the interpolation has been calculated. Additional interactions can help in improving the fill data.

Keep in mind that the tool was not intended to create data for large regions of missing data cells, especially regions on the border of the raster. If you have a large area of missing data, it would be best to use other processes to fill in the missing data, such as downloading the missing data and merging it with your raster.

The Fill Nodata tool is one of thetools provided in WMS to let you modify and edit raster data. Try out the Fill Nodata tool in WMS today!

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Converting a 3D UGrid in GMS

Have you ever had an unstructured grid (UGrid) or mesh in your project in the Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) that you want to convert to another geometry? While there isn't a specific tool for converting UGrids in GMS, it can still be achieved by following a few simple steps. Typically a UGrid will need to be converted to a scatter set and from there the scatter set can be converted to other geometries. Converting UGrids or mesh into scatter points can be a good way to compare data between models, especially if one of the models is older and doesn't, or can't, include a UGrid or mesh. If this is something that interests you, this article will explain how to get from a UGrid or mesh to either 2D or 3D scatter points.

Example of converting a scatter set

First, go to the Display menu above the macros in the GMS window. Then choose Convert to CAD. Note: CAD data. is generated from whatever is currently visible in the Graphics window, so make sure that everything you need is displayed before you continue. The new CAD data will appear in the project window as a (*.dwg) file. Now right-click on the CAD data and convert CAD Points to TIN Points. A dialog window will appear asking you to designate which layers of the data you want to include in the conversion and to name the new TIN. You can customize this in whichever way best suits your needs.

This new TIN data can be converted directly into a scatter set. Right-click on the TIN and convert it into a 2D scatter set. 3D scatter sets can be made by simply executing a conversion one more time with the 2D scatter set.

If ultimately you want to compare scatter data with another model, it may be helpful to be able to view both sets of data in the same window. You can easily export the scatter set from GMS by right-clicking on the scatter set in the project window and selecting Export, then open the newly exported file in the GMS window with your other project. The scatter set can also be used to create a boundary for a 2D or 3D Cartesian grid which could be used with an older version of MODFLOW.

Head over to GMS and try converting UGrids into scatter sets today!

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